Zenhiser Cloud Nine WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 30 October 2023 | 675.53 MB

有时,样本包定义了一种类型。 这些包只会在星尘风暴中出现一次,当它们出现时,它们展示了声音设计世界中真正可能的东西。

欢迎来到“云九”。 该系列完美平衡了过去和现在,将 80 年代的境界与当今合成波的复兴融为一体。 鼓声紧凑,合成线情感丰富,贝斯线细致,节奏超越,整体气场令人着迷。 沿着《午夜》、《FM-84》、《1975》的思路思考,你就会瞥见《云九》的霓虹灯般的美丽。

你认为大多数复古包都具备这一切吗? 你不知道。 再深入一点,你会发现男声会让你大吃一惊。 这些基本的顶线有湿式和干式版本可供选择,使这款 Synthwave 样品包从优质变为黄金标准。

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417 样品


Sometimes a sample pack defines a genre. These packs only come around once in a stardust storm, and when they do, they showcase what is truly possible in the sound design world.

Welcome to ‘Cloud Nine’. A collection which perfectly balances past and present, fusing the 80’s realm with today’s Synthwave resurgence. Drums are tight, synth lines emotional, basslines meticulous, rhythms transcending and the overall aura, utterly mesmerising. Think along the lines of The Midnight, FM-84, The 1975 and you’ll have a glimpse into the neon soaked beauty that is Cloud Nine.

Think most retro packs have it all? You have no idea. Delve a little deeper and you’ll find male vocals that will blow your mind. Available in both wet and dry versions, these essential top lines turn this Synthwave sample pack from premium to a Gold Standard.

Hey, don’t take our word for it. Hit the preview and see what all the hype is about.

417 Samples
