Sample Magic Flipped Funk 2 WAV-FANTASTiC
FANTASTiC | 05 November 2023 | 545 MB
Flipped Funk 2 充满了破碎的休息、重新设计的稀有灵魂和重新采样的 R&B,提供了一个复古音乐作品的最终集合,其灵感来自 60 年代末和 70 年代初的放克时代,通过复古模拟磁带并打印到黑胶唱片上 — 所有这些都经过重新想象 心目中的现代节拍制作人。 深入挖掘布满灰尘的琴键、funked-out 的鼓声、MPC 编程节拍、老式号角样本、坚韧的低音和饱和的旋律。
Brimming with broken breaks, reworked rare soul, and resampled R&B, Flipped Funk 2 delivers a definitive collection of retro musical compositions inspired by the late ‘60s and early ‘70s era of funk ran through vintage analogue tape and printed to vinyl—all reimagined with the modern beat producer in mind. Dig into dusty keys, funked-out drum breaks, MPC programmed beats, vintage horn samples, gritty basses, and saturated melodics.