Soundiron Oktobass Phrases WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 04 November 2023 | 526.23 MB

Oktobass 是最深的音乐会弦乐器,可延伸至 16Hz。 它在低音处产生雷鸣般的、震撼房间的咆哮声,在高音处转变为甜美的蜂蜜般的音调。 我们对这头令人骨头嘎嘎作响的野兽进行了全面的细节采样,并将其整合到大量即兴旋律短语样本包中。

要演奏这个 3.48 米(11.5 英尺)长的猛犸象,您必须爬上一组楼梯到一个升高的平台上,并操作一排机械杆,用左手控制指板,同时用右手弓箭。 乐器体内的尺寸和空洞的共鸣产生了微妙而复杂的音调特征,在演奏旋律乐句时具有强烈的立体声运动和微妙的机械装饰。

我们与乔治·里奥洛 (Giorgio Riolo) 和丹尼尔·贝尔蒂内利 (Daniele Bertinelli) 合作,在尼古拉·莫内塔 (Nicola Moneta) 位于意大利米兰的私人画廊的永久家中拍摄了《Octobass》。 它是在一个大的开放空间中录制的,在 F 孔处使用了一对紧密的大振膜心形麦克风,以实现干燥而亲密的声音以及巨大的音调力量。

370 个样品


The Oktobass is the deepest concert string instrument, extending down to 16Hz. It creates a thunderous, room-shaking growl at the low notes that transforms into a sweet honey-like tone at the high notes. We’ve sampled this bone-rattling beast in comprehensive detail, integrated into a massive sample pack of improvised melodic phrases.

To play this 3.48 meter (11.5 ft) mammoth, you must climb a set of stairs onto a raised platform and operate a row of mechanical levers to control the fingerboard with your left hand, while you bow with your right. The size and cavernous resonances inside the body of the instrument produce a nuanced and complex tonal character, with intense stereo movement and subtle mechanical ornamentation when playing melodic phrases.

We worked with Giorgio Riolo and Daniele Bertinelli to capture Nicola Moneta’s Octobass at its permanent home in his private gallery in Milan, Italy. It was recorded in a large open space, using a close pair of large-diaphragm cardioid mics at the F holes to achieve a dry and intimate sound with huge tonal power.

370 Samples
