Cymatics Vibes 2 WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC
FANTASTiC | 03 November 2023 | 1.97 GB
•VIBES II 中的旋律是我们有史以来最动人的旋律之一。
VIBES II:鼓循环合集
•受 RnB、Trap 等启发的高度通用的鼓循环
•对于VIBES II 的鼓循环部分,我们采用了与集合中的旋律相同的方法。
•对于VIBES II,这部分是我们的主要关注点,提供了一个充满情感的声音库。
VIBES II:打击乐循环集合
•对于Vibes II 中的打击乐循环,我们将各种独特的打击乐纹理组合在一起,非常适合情感驱动的音乐。
VIBES II:鼓一击合集
•对于VIBES II 中的Drum One Shots,我们的顶级鼓设计师将注意力转向创造与其他鼓组完美共鸣的声音。
VIBES II:踩镲循环和 MIDI 合集
•我们从现代 RnB 中汲取了大量灵感,以与 VIBES II 的其余声音在声音上配对的方式精心制作了每一个。
•您可以将它们按原样拖入、分割或调整 MIDI 以适应您正在构建的任何轨道的氛围。
VIBES II:贝斯和 808 系列
•适用于重低音的混音 808 和低音样本
•对于VIBES II 中的808 和贝斯,我们的目标是捕捉与该系列的其他产品完美搭配的相同类型的能量。
•这包括 808、Subs、Reese Basses 等所有内容,灵感来自现代 RnB 和 Trap。
VIBES II:合成器一击合集
•Lush Synth One Shot 用于创建您自己的情感旋律
•VIBES II 中的 One Shots 旨在为您提供多种选择来构建您自己的以感觉为中心的旋律。
VIBES II: Melody Collection
Colorful & Expressive Melodies With A Heavy Touch of Emotion
•The Melodies in VIBES II turned out to be some of the most emotional sounding we’ve ever put together.
•Our team created each of these with a different vibe and feeling in mind, painting a unique sonic picture for each loop.
•This resulted in a collection of highly colorful & expressive melodies that work well for a wide range of music styles.
VIBES II: Drum Loop Collection
•Highly Versatile Drum Loops Inspired by RnB, Trap & More
•For the Drum Loop section of VIBES II, we took the same approach as the melodies in the collection.
•This means that each Drum Loop was field tested alongside the melodies to make sure that they capture the same vibe.
•Inside, you’ll get access to a library of mix-ready Drum Loops with stem layers that are designed to work with a variety of genres.
VIBES II: Vocal Collection
•Soulful Vocal Loops For Adding Human Emotion To Your Music
•Nothing captures feeling & emotion quite like a soulful vocal sample.
•And for VIBES II, this section was a major focus for us, delivering on a library of highly emotional sounding vocals.
•These sound amazing on their own, but they also sound incredible when you pair them up with the Melodies in the main pack.
VIBES II: Percussion Loop Collection
•Textured Percussion Loops For Adding Character To Any Track
•For the Percussion Loops in Vibes II, we put together a variety of unique percussion textures that work well for emotion-driven music.
•When paired with the Drum Loops or Melodies, these percussion loops can easily take your song concepts to a whole new level.
•We processed each of these to sit perfectly in the mix right out of the box, perfect for adding character and flavor to any track.
VIBES II: Drum One Shot Collection
•Warm & Crisp Drum One Shots That Cut Through Any Mix
•For the Drum One Shots in VIBES II, our top drum designers turned their attention to creating sounds that resonate perfectly with the rest of the pack.
•Inside you’ll get a variety of Kicks, Snares, Cymbals, Hihats, and more, each processed with a mix-ready sound that carries a ton of warmth.
•And each of these work great for a ton of different genres & styles, so it’s easy to get a vibe going instantly.
VIBES II: Hihat Loop & MIDI Collection
•Handcrafted Hihat Patterns With A Variety Of Unique Bounces
•Our team of producers spent extra time writing and designing Hihat patterns that you can drag in to get inspired.
•We crafted each of these in a way that pairs up sonically with the rest of the sounds VIBES II, pulling heavy inspiration from Modern RnB.
•You can drag these in as is, chop them up, or tweak the MIDI to fit the vibe of any track you’re building.
VIBES II: Bass & 808 Collection
•Mix-Ready 808 & Bass Samples For Heavy Hitting Low End
•For the 808s & Basses in VIBES II, we aimed to capture the same type of energy that would pair well with the rest of the collection.
•So inside, there are a wide variety of different low end samples that carry a ton of warmth and character.
•This includes everything from 808s, Subs, Reese Basses, and much more, inspired by Modern RnB & Trap.
VIBES II: Synth One Shot Collection
•Lush Synth One Shots For Creating Your Own Emotional Melodies
•The One Shots in VIBES II were designed to give you a plethora of options for building your own feeling-focused melodies.
•Our team spent extra time designing each one shot, using analog synthesizers and outboard gear to capture a special warmth.
•Inside you’ll get everything from lush Keys, Leads, Pads, Plucks and Synths for creating memorable melodies.