Steinberg HALion 7 v7.0.20 MacOS

RYZEN | 03 November 2023 | 983 MB

HALion 为您提供创造所有您曾想象过的声音以及许多您从未想到过的声音所需的一切。 凭借六种不同形式的合成、高性能样本引擎、脚本、突破性的时间拉伸和再合成算法,以及快速、轻松的可分配调制,HALion 每次打开它都会给您带来新的灵感。

超过 35 GB 内容、3,700 个预设和 15 种乐器
超过 70 种效果,加上无数的调制和 MIDI 选项

macOS Big Sur、macOS 蒙特利、macOS Ventura


HALion gives you everything you need to create all the sounds you have ever imagined — and many you have never thought of. With six different forms of synthesis, a high-performance sample engine, scripting, a groundbreaking time-stretch and resynthesis algorithm, plus fast and easy assignable modulations, HALion delivers new inspiration every time you open it.

More than 35 GB content, 3,700 presets and 15 instruments
FM, spectral, wavetable, virtual analog and granular synthesis
High-performance sample engine for large libraries
More than 70 effects, plus countless modulation and MIDI options

System Requirements
macOS Big Sur, macOS Monterey, macOS Ventura

