Steinberg Retrologue 2 v2.4.0 WIN
Team R2R | 2023.11.13 | 31 MB
虚拟模拟合成器 – Retrologue
灵活、直观的 Retrologue 模仿了经典模拟合成器的温暖和厚重。 三个虚拟模拟振荡器和一组一流的滤波器可产生丰富、富有活力的声音; 其适应性强的琶音器、强大的调制系统和 FX 机架使 Retrologue 成为世界各地制作人的首选。
超过 700 个出色的预设
3 个振荡器,具有多达 8 个可解调的声音
* 不需要 SteinbergLibraryMangager(可选)。
* 不需要 SteinbergActivationManager。
* 加载速度比合法版本快。
* 与其他合法 Silk 和 Silk 支持的应用程序不存在兼容性问题。
阅读随附的 R2R.txt 以了解如何安装。
请阅读我们模拟器的 NFO,了解有关我们模拟器版本的更多信息。
Windows 10(64 位)、64 位 Windows 11 版本 21H2(或更高版本)
Virtual Analog Synthesizer – Retrologue
The flexible, intuitive Retrologue emulates the warmth and fatness of classic analog synthesizers. Three virtual analog oscillators and a first-class set of filters produce a wealth of rich, inspring sounds; its adaptable arpeggiator, powerful modulation system and FX rack help make Retrologue the first choice for producers everywhere.
Over 700 outstanding presets
3 oscillators with up to 8 de-tunable voices
16-stage drag and drop modulation matrix
24 first-class filter types
A witch says,
* No SteinbergLibraryMangager is required (optional).
* No SteinbergActivationManager is required.
* Loads faster than legit version.
* No compatiblity issue with other legit Silk and Silk powered apps.
Read included R2R.txt to see how to install.
Read NFO of our emulator to know more about our emulator releases.
Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.
System Requirements
Windows 10 (64-bit), 64-bit Windows 11 Version 21H2 (or higher)