ZTEKNO Quantum Pulsewave MULTiFORMAT



您想创作令人惊叹且难忘的曲目,让听众着迷并让他们跳舞直到黎明吗? 那么您需要 Quantum Pulsewave – 一个全新的样本包,它将为您提供创作强大且大气的作品所需的一切。

Quantum Pulsewave 不仅仅是一组声音,它是一个充满灵感和创造力的世界。 在此包中,您将找到贝斯、鼓循环、合成器循环、效果、鼓单次播放、Pigments 合成器的一些预设,以及以干式构造套件形式提供的额外附加内容、Ableton 的项目以及用于 虚拟采样器。


Quantum Pulsewave 是您向世界展示您对电子音乐的才华和热情的机会。

找到你的方式。 没有游戏。 只有技术。


API 2500 立体声压缩器
RCA BA-6A 电子管压缩器
API 3124V 分立 4 通道麦克风/线路前置器
API 560 离散 10 频段图形均衡器
API 550b 500 系列均衡器
D.W. Fearn VT-5 双通道电子管均衡器

24 位/44.1kHz
与所有 DAW 兼容
100 个合成器循环(50 个干循环和 50 个湿循环)
100 个低音循环(包含侧链)
50 个合成器 MIDI 循环
50 个低音 MIDI 循环
349 个鼓循环(50 个完整鼓循环 + 变奏)
20 个 Techno 底鼓循环
总共 110 次鼓单击
245 低音一击
245 合成器一击
62 特效
16 个软采样器补丁(NI Kontakt 3+、EX2S4、NNXT、SFZ)
6 个 VST Synth 补丁(Arturia 颜料)
9 个完整的构建套件(奖励)
1 Ableton Live 项目 (V.9.7.5+)


Do you love techno?

Do you want to create amazing and unforgettable tracks that will mesmerise listeners and make them dance until dawn? Then you need Quantum Pulsewave – a new and fresh sample pack that will give you everything you need to create powerful and atmospheric compositions.

Quantum Pulsewave is not just a set of sounds, it’s a whole world full of inspiration and creativity. In this pack you will find basses, drum loops, synth loops, effects, drum one-shots, some presets for the Pigments synthesiser, plus a bonus addition in the form of stemmed-out construction kits, a project for Ableton, and patches for virtual samplers.

You will be able to easily mix and match different loops and one-shots or play with presets and patches to add your very own unique style and character.

Quantum Pulsewave is your chance to show the world your talent and passion for techno music.

Find your way. No Games. Only TECHNO.

Different groups of samples were processed by a chain of different analogue equipment, such as:

API 2500 Stereo Compressor
RCA BA-6A Tube Compressor
API 3124V Discrete 4-Channel Mic/Line Pre
API 560 Discrete 10 Band Graphic EQ
API 550b 500 Series Equalizer
D.W. Fearn VT-5 Dual-Channel Tube EQ
Studer A820

2.85 GB
24-Bit / 44.1kHz
Key & Tempo-Labelled
Compatible With All DAWs
100 Synth Loops (50 Dry & 50 Wet)
100 Bass Loops (Inc. Side Chain)
50 Synth MIDI Loops
50 Bass MIDI Loops
349 Drum Loops (50 Full Drum Loops + Variations)
20 Techno Kick Loops
110 Total Drum One-Shots
245 Bass One-Shots
245 Synth One-Shots
62 SFX
16 Soft Sampler Patches (NI Kontakt 3+, EX2S4, NNXT, SFZ)
6 VST Synth Patches (Arturia Pigments)
9 Full Construction Kits (Bonus)
1 Ableton Live Project (V.9.7.5+)