立体声扩展器 – TC Electronic TC1210 NATIVE 2.1.0 WIN
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带有专用硬件控制器的独特空间扩展器插件。 TC1210 是一款出色的立体声扩展器和调制单元,可为您的工作室带来著名的 TC 1210 魔力性能。 凭借软件和可选硬件的创新融合,它捕捉了标志性机架单元的惊人声音和多功能性,并为您提供了独特的触觉附加组件,将激发您的创造力并为您的工作流程增添趣味。
Unique Spatial Expander Plug-in with Dedicated Hardware Controller. TC1210 is an exceptional stereo expander and modulation unit that brings the performance of the famed TC 1210 magic to your studio. With its innovative fusion of software and optional hardware, it captures the amazing sound and versatility of the iconic rack unit, and gives you a unique tactile add-on that will fuel your creativity and spice up your workflow.