Producer Loops Underground Glitch Pop MULTIFORMAT

DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 27 November 2023 | 1.96 GB

通过我们的最新创作深入声音创新的世界:重新定义故障音乐界限的尖端样本包。 释放你的创造力,制作令人费解的曲目,突破流派的界限。 欢迎来到声音的未来 – 在这里,Glitch 与 Synth Pop 相遇,并以最迷人的方式受到嘻哈的微妙影响! 让自己沉浸在五种搭建套件中,它们展示了故障美学和流行氛围的完美结合。

每个套件都是一个宝库,充满了故障节拍、迷人的旋律和空灵的氛围,是构建排行榜冠军歌曲所需的一切。 通过一系列注入故障的元素来提升您的作品。 从结巴的节奏到复杂的微编辑,这些元素将为您的曲目增添无与伦比的深度和独特性,确保它们在拥挤的音乐景观中脱颖而出。 每一个声音都经过精心策划和精心制作。 让自己沉浸在高保真音频中,捕捉故障流行音乐的原始能量和创造力。


为了保证最大的灵活性,我们提供了多种格式的包,包括 WAV、ABLETON、APPLE LOOPS、MIDI、REX2 和 REASON REFILLS,从而实现无缝集成。

包含的 MIDI 文件:

与许多其他 Producer Loops 产品一样,该包包含每个套件中听到的大多数音乐短语的 MIDI 文件,使您可以将您最喜欢的合成器和采样器与包中包含的声音无缝混合。


在里面你会发现一次性鼓样本,允许你创建新的节拍、填充和循环来补充现有的材料。 只需将它们加载到您选择的采样器中,即可创建无限数量的新节拍和乐句。


对于想要简单拖放的用户来说,“湿”文件包含音频演示中听到的所有效果处理。 但对于想要创建自己的效果组合的制作人来说,可能的话还包括“干”循环。 不喜欢湿循环? 没问题; 添加您自己的效果。


该产品中的所有循环都是 100% 免版税的,因此一旦购买,您就可以在商业版本中使用这些循环,而无需支付任何隐藏费用。


• 5 个搭建套件
• ACIDized WAV 文件
• Ableton Live 8.1.3+
• MIDI 循环
• REX 循环
• 原因补充
• 循环与 BPM 同步
• 44.1kHz/24 位
• 兼容 PC/Mac
• 免版税(无例外)


Dive into a world of sonic innovation with our latest creation: a cutting-edge sample pack that redefines the boundaries of glitch music. Unleash your creative prowess and craft mind-bending tracks that push the boundaries of the genre. Welcome to the future of sound – where Glitch meets Synth Pop with a subtle influence of Hip Hop in the most captivating way! Immerse yourself in five construction kits that showcase the perfect marriage of glitch aesthetics and pop vibes.

Each kit is a treasure trove of glitchy beats, captivating melodies, and ethereal atmospheres, everything you need to construct chart-topping hits. Elevate your productions with an array of glitch-infused elements. From stuttering rhythms to intricate micro-edits, these elements will add an unparalleled depth and uniqueness to your tracks, ensuring they stand out in a crowded music landscape. Every sound has been carefully curated and produced with finesse . Immerse yourself in high-fidelity audio that captures the raw energy and creativity of glitch pop.


To guarantee maximum flexibility, we’ve offered this pack in multiple formats including WAV, ABLETON, APPLE LOOPS, MIDI, REX2 and REASON REFILLS, allowing seamless integration.

MIDI Files Included:

This pack, like so many other Producer Loops products, includes MIDI files for the majority of musical phrases heard in each Kit, allowing you to seamlessly mix your favourite synths and samplers with the sounds contained in the pack.

One-Shot Samples:

Inside you’ll find one-shot drum samples, allowing you to create new beats, fills and loops to compliment the existing material. Simply load them up into your sampler of choice and create an infinite number of new beats and phrases.

Dry/Wet Loops:

For users looking to simply drag and drop, the ‘wet’ files contain all of the effects processing heard in the audio demos. But for producers looking to create their own effects mix, ‘dry’ loops are also included where possible. Don’t like the wet loops? No problem; add your own effects.


All of the loops in this product are 100% Royalty-Free, so once purchased, you can use these loops in your commercial releases without having to pay any hidden costs.

Product Details:

• 5 Construction Kits
• ACIDized WAV Files
• Ableton Live 8.1.3+
• MIDI Loops
• REX Loops
• Reason ReFills
• Loops Synced To BPM
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit
• PC/Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free (No Exceptions)