Cymatics Phantom Cyber Collection Wav Midi

NOV 28TH 2023 | 4.74 GB

7 个高级 Trap 样品包概述

受 Lil Baby、Young Thug 等艺术家启发的放置就绪 Trap 旋律
PHANTOM 深入研究现代 Trap 的重磅声音,从 Young Thug、Lil Baby、Gunna、Nardo Wick 等艺术家那里汲取灵感。
我们团队中的顶级 Trap 制作人在制作这些旋律时,考虑到了唱片的排名,提供了与广告牌排行榜热门歌曲的能量相匹配的各种循环。
这些循环中的每一个都在声音上捕捉到了黑暗和沉思的美感,与强劲的鼓和厚重的 808 完美搭配。

受排行榜冠军 Trap 唱片启发的混音鼓循环
我们的 Trap 团队对多种鼓循环进行编程和混合,以与 PHANTOM 内的旋律循环配对。

SHADOW 提供了一套新的受现代 Trap 启发的 Drum One Shots,经过预处理可直接切入混音。
这包括重击 Trap Kicks、Snares、Rim、Claps、Hihat、Cymbals、Percs 等所有内容。

REVENANT 包含各种 Hihat 模式,可立即激发新想法并建立听起来弹跳的热门唱片。
我们的 Trap 制作人花费了额外的时间来制作这些模式,并为最终结果考虑了放置就绪的声音。
按原样将它们拖入、切碎或自定义 MIDI 文件以适合您想要的任何类型的曲目。


GHOUL:808 和贝斯系列
这些 808 和贝斯样本带有大量的个性和勇气,专为制作重磅 Trap 唱片而设计。 。
我们在里面加入了各种各样的贝斯风格,包括重型 808、Donks 和 Reese 贝斯。

幽灵党:FX 系列
用于添加能源和建筑过渡的独特 FX 示例
SPECTRE 提供独特的 FX 声音,帮助填充音轨中的任何“空白”空间,并为您的混音整体增添特色。


7 Premium Trap Sample Packs Overview

PHANTOM: Melody Collection
Placement Ready Trap Melodies Inspired by Artists Like Lil Baby, Young Thug & More
PHANTOM dives into the heavy hitting sound of modern Trap, pulling inspiration from artists like Young Thug, Lil Baby, Gunna, Nardo Wick, and more.
The top Trap producers on our team crafted these melodies with record placements in mind, delivering on a variety of loops that match the energy of top billboard charting hits.
Each of these loops capture a dark & brooding aesthetic sonically, perfectly pairable with punchy drums and heavy 808s.

BANSHEE: Drum Loop Collection
Mix-Ready Drum Loops Inspired by Chart Topping Trap Records
Our Trap team programmed & mixed a wide selection of drum loops to pair up with the Melody Loops inside PHANTOM.
Similar to their approach for the Melodies, they pulled inspiration from the biggest songs & artists in the game to dial in these drum loops.
This includes a wide array of hard hitting, placement ready drum bounces, plus stem layers included to give you full creative control.

SHADOW: Drum One Shot Collection
Crisp & Punchy Drum One Shots Optimized For Hard Hitting Trap
SHADOW delivers on a new pack of modern Trap inspired Drum One Shots, pre-processed to slice right through the mix.
This includes everything from heavy hitting Trap Kicks, Snares, Rims, Claps, Hihats, Cymbals, Percs, and more.
We made sure that every sound inside was good to go straight out of the box, so there isn’t much additional processing you’ll need with these drums.

REVENANT: Hihat Loop & MIDI Collection
Industry Level Hihat Bounces Designed For Heavy Hitting Modern Trap
REVENANT includes a variety of Hihat patterns to instantly inspire new ideas and establish a hit record sounding bounce.
Our Trap producers spent extra time crafting each of these patterns, with a placement ready sound in mind for the end results.
Drag them in as is, chop them up, or customize the MIDI files to fit your idea for whatever type of track you’re going for.

WRAITH: Percussion Loop Collection
Textural Percussion Loops For Instant Character & Bounce On Any Track
Nothing adds bounce and depth to your drums or melodies quite like a percussion texture.
We put this pack together to help you spice up your tracks, whether it’s to help your drums stand out, texturize your melodies, etc.
Each of these are mixed in a way that compliments the rest of the sounds in your track, so they are perfect for adding that final “sauce” to your mix.

GHOUL: 808 & Bass Collection
Gritty & Heavy Low End Samples Designed To Slice Through Any Mix
These 808 & bass samples carry a ton of character and grit, designed for producing heavy hitting Trap records. .
We included a wide variety of bass styles inside, with everything from heavy 808s, Donks and Reese basses.
Our team field tested each of these bass samples within the context of full tracks, so they are mix-ready straight out of the box.

SPECTER: FX Collection
Unique FX Samples For Adding Energy & Building Transitions
SPECTER delivers unique FX sounds to help fill out any “empty” spaces in your tracks and overall add character to your mix.
This pack includes everything from Cinematic Style Impacts, Risers, Tonal Ambience, and more.
Try these out to spice up your intros, build-ups, transitions, or even use them throughout your entire track.