That Sound Pop Rock Drums WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 03 December 2023 | 570 MB

That Sounds 的最新产品 Pop Rock Drums 的扬声器已打开,能量很高。 该鼓包包含创作整首流行摇滚歌曲所需的一切,从头到尾都有数百个循环、顶部和鼓填充。 该包由 Pete Parada 创建并在田纳西州的 Impostar Syndrum Studios 录制,从 Paramore、Weezer 和 Alanis Morissette 到 Olivia Rodrigo 和 Haim 汲取了灵感。


该包仅包含鼓。 演示中的旋律乐器不是包中的一部分,而是供您在上下文中听到鼓声。

374 样品


The speakers have been turned up and the energy is high with That Sounds latest offering, Pop Rock Drums. This drum pack has everything you need to create a whole Pop Rock song, from start to finish with hundreds of loops, tops and drum fills. Created by Pete Parada and recorded in Impostar Syndrum Studios in Tennessee, this pack has drawn inspiration from Paramore, Weezer and Alanis Morissette through to Olivia Rodrigo and Haim.

You will feel the energy and passion of rock music but the drive and punch of pop music with these drums giving you the inspiration and the drummer you need to bring your musical vision to life.

This pack contains only drums. The melodic instruments in the demo are not apart of the pack but are for you to hear the drums in context.

374 Samples