Blackout Music NL Black Sun Empire Blackout Sample Pack 003 WAV SERUM-Jeggar
Jeggar | WAV SERUM | 684.42 MB
通过这一系列样本包,唱片公司所有者 Black Sun Empire 希望让初级和高级水平的制作人能够更轻松地接近 Blackout 广为人知和受人尊敬的声音。 制作任何类型的音乐本身就已经够困难的了,但也许这种鼓贝斯多年来已经达到了没有一点帮助就很难达到的技术水平。 当然,样品包可以被视为快速获得结果的简单方法,但我们希望它能激励人们利用手中的适当工具进一步挑战极限。 为此,需要正确理解之前发生的事情,也许还需要了解事情的发展方向。 由您来审视并塑造您和我们的未来。
BLACK SUN EMPIRE 创作了 6 张专辑并庆祝了他们的 20 周年纪念日,这些人知道一个好的样本需要什么。 他们的声音多年来一直在发展,但可识别的核心元素仍然存在:黑暗的气氛、咆哮的低音和嘎嘎作响的鼓。 在他们为我们的第一个样品包做出贡献后,我们不得不向他们询问更多,并且交付了..
EMPEROR 以其 Emperor 和 Monuman 项目的原创声音而闻名,再加上他与 Centra 一起创建样本包的经验,我们不得不向他索要这个。 他的声音邀请您按原样使用它们,或者应用更多处理并将皇帝的创造力与您自己的创造力相结合。
MALUX Malux 也以 Skope 的绰号而闻名,多年来,他的声音设计受到了很多钦佩和赞扬。 看似不可能发出的低音声音从他的扬声器中发出,现在是你的了。 使用他先进的血清预设将它们调整为您自己的品味和风格。 从和谐的低音到强劲的鼓声和活泼的顶部循环; 你会想要全部使用它。
REDPILL 仅今年就在 Blackout 上发行了一系列 EP,许多人都想知道“他是如何做到的?”他通过这些样本和预设让您了解秘密。 他标志性的声音干净的鼓、清脆的贝斯、欢快的旋律以及他擅长的其他东西:吉他循环!
531 个 24 位 44.1kHz WAV 样本和循环,带有 30 个 Serum 预设音色和 10 个 Surge 音色
超过 500 个样本和循环
44.1 kHz / 24 位
44 踢
49 军鼓
24 首踩镲和打击乐热门歌曲
46 鼓环
55 个鼓手循环
55 首贝斯金曲
54 个低音循环
35 次合成刺击
52 合成器循环
55 次 Fx 命中
47 个效果循环
15 个额外的吉他循环
30 片精华贴片
10 个浪涌补丁
With this series of sample packs label owners Black Sun Empire want to make it easier for producers, both at beginner and advanced levels, to come closer to the sound that Blackout is known and respected for. Producing any kind of music is hard enough as it is, but perhaps this kind of drum’n’bass has over the years reached technical levels that are hard to achieve without a little help. Of course sample packs can be seen as an easy way to get a quick result, but we hope it will inspire people to push the envelope even further with the proper tools in hands. For this a proper understanding of what came before is needed and maybe a small glimpse of where things are headed. Up to you to look at both and shape yours and our future.
BLACK SUN EMPIRE Having written 6 albums and celebrating their 20 year anniversary, these guys know what a good sample needs. Their sound has evolved over the years, but the recognizable core elements are still there: dark atmospheres, growling basses and rattling drums. After their contribution to our first sample pack, we had to ask them for more, and the delivered..
EMPEROR Known for his original sound for both his Emperor and Monuman projects, combined with his experience in creating sample packs with Centra, we had to ask him for this one. His sounds invite you to either use them as they are, or apply more processing and multiply Emperors creativity with your own.
MALUX Also known under his Skope moniker, Malux has received a lot of admiration and praise for his sound design over the years. Bass sounds that seemed impossible to create come out of his speakers, and now yours. Tweak them to your own taste and style with his advanced Serum presets. From harmonic basses to punchy drums and lively top loops; you’ll want to use it all.
REDPILL Having released a series of EPs on Blackout this years alone, many have wondered ‘how does he do it?’ He lets you in on the secret with these samples and presets. His signature sound clean drums, the crunchy basses, euphoric melodies and something else he’s good at: guitar loops!
531 24 bit 44.1kHz WAV samples and loops, with 30 Serum preset patches & 10 Surge patches
More than 500 Samples & loops
All in Wav
44.1 kHz / 24 BIT
Royalty Free
Made by a team of renowned Drum & Bass producers
44 Kicks
49 Snares
24 Hihats & Percussion hits
46 Drumloops
55 Drumlayer loops
55 Bass Hits
54 Bass loops
35 Synth stabs
52 Synth loops
55 Fx hits
47 Fx loops
15 Bonus guitar loops
30 Serum patches
10 Surge patches