Sample Magic Deeper House WAV-FANTASTiC
FANTASTiC | 06 November 2023 | 836.14 MB
通过 Deeper House 深入探索 House 的所有内容,总计 1GB+ 的泵动节奏、厚实的低音线、温暖的过滤和弦、深情的合成器线、琴键和复古打击乐。 Deeper House 由大量经典鼓机和开创性的合成器精心打造而成,是您下一个挑剔的地板填充者的必备系列。 该包的所有元素都经过精心设计,以实现最大的特征、宽度和冲击力,以实现无与伦比的质量。 Deeper House 架已准备好为您的下一个作品提供灵感
Dive into a collection of all things house with Deeper House, totalling 1GB+ of pumping jackin’ grooves, chunky basslines, warm filtered chords, soulful synth lines, keys and vintage percussion. Crafted from a host of classic drum machines and seminal synths, Deeper House is a must-have collection for your next discerning floor filler. All elements of this pack were sculpted for maximum character, width and punch for unparalleled quality. The Deeper House racks are ready to get you inspired on your next production