古希腊管乐器 – Soundiron Ancient Greek Winds KONTAKT-ohsie
ohsie | 14 November 2023 | 3.79 GB
该系列通过 9 种传统希腊木管乐器捕捉了希腊化时期的精髓。 文物包括从低音到中音的单簧片和双簧片长笛,以及海螺号、黄铜输卵管号、排笛和斜笛。
古希腊管乐器是九种经过仔细采样的传统希腊木管乐器的集合,捕捉了古典希腊化时期的精髓。 这组修复的文物包括从低音到中音的单簧片和双簧片长笛,以及海螺号、黄铜输卵管号、排笛和斜笛。 每种乐器都是完全可演奏的,具有延音、断奏、真正的连奏、动态表达和根据其具体特征定制的效果。 古希腊管乐是对我们古希腊弦乐和古希腊打击乐库的完美旋律补充。 每件乐器均由 Panagiotis Stefos 领导的雅典历史研究小组 LyrAvlos 使用精确的方法、建筑材料和工具手工制作而成。 这些音乐珍品由木头、芦苇、海螺壳和青铜制成,忠实地探索了遥远的音乐历史,在 2,500 多年前的青铜时代音乐家手中,它们将是家常便饭。
每件乐器都由制作人 John Valasis 进行了精确的细节录制,具有循环变化以及多种动态和声音。 您将享受我们灵活的 GUI 功能以及多种半音和特效清晰度的选择。 该界面提供完整的性能控制,包括真正的连奏响应控制、模拟滑音弯曲、琶音器、灵活的步进可排序滤波器和 LFO 系统以及模块化 DSP FX 机架,可根据您的意愿塑造声音。 我们还直接从原始声源录音中创建了 20 种独特的声音设计氛围,为您提供额外的质感和更多的创造潜力。 古希腊风包含 3,517 个 24 位 48kHz 立体声样本,大小略高于 4 GB。
– 一个开放式 Kontakt 格式的 NKI 主乐器库
– 五种不同的 Aulos、海螺壳、排笛、Plagiaulos、Salpinx 发音和风效果
– 根据源内容创建的 20 个氛围补丁
– 24 位/48 kHz 未压缩 PCM wav 样本
– 20 个自定义声音设计的 FX 和环境预设
– 3,517 个立体声 WAV 文件
– 已安装 4.13 GB
– 灵活直观的多层用户界面控制,带有 LFO、滤波器、滑音和琶音器
– 带有卷积混响的完整 FX 机架,带有自定义房间、大厅、房间和 FX 环境
需要 Kontakt 5.5.0+
This collection captures the essence of the Hellenistic period with 9 traditional Greek woodwind instruments. Artifacts include single and double-reeded aulos flutes from bass to alto, as well as conch shell horns, brass salpinx horn, pan flute and plagiaulos.
Ancient Greek Winds is a collection of nine carefully-sampled traditional Greek woodwind instruments capturing the essence of the classical Hellenistic period. This group of restored artifacts includes single and double-reeded aulos flutes from bass to alto, as well as conch shell horns, brass salpinx horn, pan flute and plagiaulos. Each instrument is fully playable, with sustains, staccatos, true legato, dynamic expressions and effects tailored to its specific characteristics. Ancient Greek Winds is the perfect melodic complement to our Ancient Greek Strings and Ancient Greek Percussion libraries. Each instrument was hand-crafted using period-accurate methods, building materials, and tools by the Athens-based historical research group LyrΑvlos, led by Panagiotis Stefos. Fashioned from wood, reeds, conch shells, and bronze, these musical treasures faithfully explore the distant musical past and would be right at home in the hands of bronze age musicians over 2,500 years ago.
Every instrument was recorded in precise detail by producer John Valasis, with round-robin variations and multiple dynamics and voicings. You’ll enjoy our flexible GUI features and a wide selection of chromatic and special effect articulations. The interface provides complete performance controls, including true legato response control, simulated portamento bending, arpeggiator, flexible step-sequencable filter and LFO systems and a modular DSP FX rack to shape your sound however you wish. We’ve also created 20 unique sound-designed ambiences directly from the raw acoustic source recordings to give you added texture and even more creative potential. Ancient Greek Winds includes 3,517 24-bit 48kHz stereo samples and weighs in at just over 4 GB.
Product Specs
– One master NKI instrument bank in open Kontakt format
– Five different Aulos, Conch Shells, Pan Flute, Plagiaulos, Salpinx articulations and wind effects
– 20 Ambience patches created from the source content
– 24 bit / 48 kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
– 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
– 3,517 Stereo WAV files
– 4.13 GB installed
– Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator
– Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments
Requires Kontakt 5.5.0+