Shadow Resurgence Production Suite MULTiFORMAT-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 13 November 2023 | 504 MB

Resurgence 鼓组拥有我们发布过的最难的 808 和打击乐器。 精心策划的 400 多个样本,旨在创建最佳混音,让您的节拍大受欢迎。

•100 808s:扭曲到完美程度,非常适合您想要碰撞的任何类型的陷阱
•300 多个打击乐样本:有力的拍手声和军鼓、制作精美的踩镲和开镲、增强的 FX 和 Percs 等等

Euphoria 模拟实验室银行
•用我们为您手工制作的专家级声音设计来改变您的样本。 模拟合成器、充满活力的琶音、美丽的打击垫、复古乐器,这样的例子不胜枚举,Euphoria 拥有这一切
•100 个专为卓越而设计的 Multi-Facited Analog Lab 预设
•陷阱掌握:Euphoria拥有一切。 工业、地下以及介于两者之间的一切。

•所有 Analog Lab 预设的 Wav 导出可实现终极声音操控,并可将 50 个一次性奖励添加到您的武器库中
•所有文件均以 5-9 导出,因此您不会丢失任何音符长度

•使用 Fissure Portal Bank 模拟真实的吉他踏板预设。 40 个手工制作的预设,一键即可提升您的旋律
•没有踏板? 没问题。 您可以在这里花费一小部分的价格获得相同的效果
•像上帝一样采样:在多次采样和导出时,门户通常是最好的选择。 轻松创作全新的作品

•使用 Ignited 为您的旋律和 808 添加沙砾和失真。 40 个手工制作的热预设,旨在让您的节拍比以往更加坚韧
•使用 20 个独一无二的失真生成器为您的 808 注入活力
•通过 20 种明亮、温暖的旋律 trace 将您的旋律提升到新的水平

Metamorph ShaperBox 3 银行
•使用Metamorph 集合可以轻松实现旋律变换。 利用 60 个多重效果链翻转样本,为您的节拍注入新的活力
•声音与众不同:ShaperBox 具有独特的声音,无论您做什么,都能穿透混音
•混合和匹配:ShaperBox 是最用户友好的 VST 之一,进入后端并根据自己的喜好自定义内容

•数百个MIDI、预设和One Shot形式的旋律创作助手
•超过 400 个扬声器敲鼓,其中 100 个是 808

制作 Midi 包
•没有灵感? 没问题。 我们的团队精心制作了 50 个鼓和旋律 midis,无需任何努力即可立即激发创意。
•完整的旋律触手可及:我们为您完成了工作,拿着这些 midis 并尽快开始您的鼓
•创意构建者:不知道如何开始你的节拍? 不用担心,我们也介绍了这一点

•通过简单的拖放操作即可增强您的旋律。 Elements 为节拍制作者引入了一个新的竞争环境,其中包含 60 种重音和乐句,可让您为旋律添加您可能不知道的共鸣。

•制作鼓从未如此简单。 Atmoshpere Loop Pack 引入了 30 个鼓循环,可激发创造力并加快节拍制作过程
•新浪潮:这些不是普通的、过时的陷阱鼓。 这些都是最新的,准备主宰新时代

•将您的节拍与过渡、竖板和纹理拼凑在一起,让您添加动感和感觉。 Beat Finalizers Essentials Pack 包含您提升节拍中“看到但未听到”部分所需的一切。
•20 个上升者可以进行炒作并创造有意义的下降
•30 个过渡,为您的节拍增添动感和个性
•20 个纹理用于创建旋律和样本的深度


The Resurgence Drum Kit has the hardest 808s and Percussion we’ve ever released. 400+ Samples carefully curated to create the best possible mix that make your beats HIT.

100 808s: Distorted to the perfect degree, perfect for any genre of trap that you want to bump
300+ Percussion Samples: Punchy Claps and Snares,Elegantly crafted Hi-Hats and Open Hats, Elevated FX and Percs, and so much more
Crafted for greatness: Every drum sample included in this kit was created with concise intent to make your beats hit harder no matter what

Euphoria Analog Lab Bank
•Transform your samples with our expert level sound design, hand made for you. Analog Synths, Energetic Arps, Beautiful Pads, Vintage Instruments, the list goes on, and Euphoria has it all
•100 Multi-Fascited Analog Lab presets designed for greatness
•Organized For You: Worry no more, the best sounds that you’ve been looking for are here, and we made sure to keep them all in once place
•Trap Mastery: Euphoria has it all. Industry, Underground, and everything inbetween.

“Target Practice” One-Shot Collection
•Wav exports of all Analog Lab presets for ultimate sound manipulation, and 50 BONUS one-shots to add to your arsenal
•All files are exported at 5-9 so you dont lose any note length
•Premiun WAV files
•Utelize exclusive features like slide notes, better velocity control and more!

Fissure Portal Bank
•Emulate real guitar pedal presets with the Fissure Portal Bank. 40 hand crafted presets that will level up your melodys with one click
•No pedal? No problem. You can get the same effect for a fraction on the price here
•Granular Synthesis: Portal has an entirely unique processing system that allows you to flip melodys with one click
•Sample like a god: Portal is often best used when sampling and exporting multiple times. Create entirely new compositions with ease

Ignited Thermal Bank
•Add grit and distortion to your melodys and 808s using Ignited. 40 hand crafted Thermal presets designed to make your beats grittier than ever
•Juice your 808s with 20 one of a kind distortion builders
•Drive your melodys to a new level with 20 bright, warm melodic trances
•Add that warm feel you’ve been looking for

Metamorph ShaperBox 3 Bank
•Melody transformation will come with ease using the Metamorph collection. Utelize 60 multi-effect chains to flip samples and breathe new life into your beats
•Multi-Chain Effects: Combine filters, Phasers, Distortion, Noise, Panning, and so much more all at once
•Sounds unlike any other: ShaperBox has a distinct sound that cuts through it’s mixes no matter what you do
•Mix and Match: ShaperBox is one of the most user-friendly VSTs out there, go into the back end and customize things to your own liking

Infinite Possibilities For Cooking Up
•Drag and drop Drum Loops to speed up the beat making process
•Accents and Phrases to level up your melodies with a few simple clicks
•Hundreds of melody creating assistants in the form of midis, presets and one shots
•Over 400 speaker knocking drums, 100 of them being 808s

Fabricate Midi Pack
•No inspiration? No problem. Our team has crafted 50 drum and melody midis to allow for instant creative boosts without any effort needed.
•Entire Melodies at your finger tips: We did the work for you, take these midis and get started on your drums ASAP
•Idea Builders: Dont know how to start your beats? No worries, we covered that too
•Drums couldn’t be simpler, hats, snares, rolls, we included it all

Elements Accents and Phrases Bundle
•Enhance your melodys with one simple drag and drop. Elements introduces a new playing field for beat makers, with 60 accents and phrases that allow you to add vibes to your melodys that you might not have known could exist.
•Enhance your melodies with a few simple clicks
•Create faster than ever before, start with something simple and level up seamlessly
•Generate ideas and spark creativity with ease

Atmoshphere Percussion Loop Pack
•Drums have never been easier to make. The Atmoshpere Loop Pack introduces 30 Drum loops that spark creativity and speed up the beat making proccess
•Half of your beat is already done: Full drum loops to speed up your workflow
•New wave: These aren’t ordinary, out dated trap drums. These are up to date and ready to dominate the new era
•More beats: Allow yourself to work freely and create more than you ever have in the past

“Beat Finalizers” Essentials Pack
•Patch your beat together with transitions, risers and textures that allow you to add movement and feel. The Beat Finalizers Essentials Pack is packed with everything you’ll need to •elevate the “seen but not heard” part of your beat.
•20 Risers to build hype and create meaningful drops
•30 Transitions to add movement and character to your beats
•20 Textures used to create depth to melodies and samples