贝斯 – Submission Audio OmniBass KONTAKT


OmniBass 是对 Ernie Ball 有力、原始的 Bongo 的终极虚拟致敬。 从玻璃般的钢琴般的高音到强劲的低音,Bongo 可以覆盖您向它发出的任何声音。
前卫? 没问题。 爵士乐? 完毕。 流行音乐? 是的。 摇滚和金属? 简单的。
由前卫低音演奏家 The Omnific 采样。
与免费的 Native Instruments Kontakt Player 配合使用。

贝司型号:Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5
调音范围:C0 – G4
演奏法:手指交替、食指、中指、Dead Note、Slap、Dead Slap、Pop、Dead Pop、谐波、锤子打开/拉动、敲击、滑动扳机、Thump Up、Thump Down、Dead Thump Up、Dead Thump Down 、品手静音、死扫弦、Harm Thump Up、Harm Thump Down、谐波拍击、谐波流行、死掌托

原始音调,直接来自低音。 像对待任何录音室级表演一样对待它 – 通过您最喜欢的设备运行它。

闪闪发光的干净音色,基于 Omnific 的录音室声音。

重击的咕噜声,基于 Omnific 的录音室声音。


厚重的独奏音色,基于 Omnific 的录音室声音。

Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5:适用于 Kontakt Player 的 Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5 低音吉他的极其逼真的虚拟模型,由 The Omnific 采样。

truBass 技术:通过我们行业领先的 truBass 引擎体验无与伦比的真实感,提供真正低音吉他的真实感觉和动态响应。

28 种演奏技巧:指拨、拍击、流行、重击、滑动、幽灵音符、锤击、拉出、敲击等,甚至可以重新创建最复杂的低音线。



原始 DI:直接来自低音吉他的纯净、未经处理的信号。 像对待常规贝斯演奏一样对待它(除了它实际上很棒!)。


集成混音器:使用我们的内置混音器微调您的声音。 精心设计的控件创建了根据您的音乐定制包含的音调的最快方法。





位置控制:将其视为虚拟变调夹,将您的虚拟演奏位置向上移动到指板上,选择更高的音品并创建更圆润的声音 – 就像在现实生活中一样。


弯音:将音符(和颤音)弯音最多 12 个半音!

“DOOM”模式:一种专门的模式,专注于最具影响力、最清晰的样本,以最大速度呈现激进的音乐风格,例如 EDM。


~ macOS
Kontakt 或 Kontakt Player 6.7 或更高版本。

macOS 10.13 – macOS 13(最新更新)。
Intel i5 或更高版本和 Apple 芯片。
4 GB 内存(推荐 6GB 以上)。
图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本以及 Direct 3D 11.1(功能级别 11_0)或更高版本。

下载并激活本产品需要互联网连接。 安装并激活后,该产品即可离线使用。

仅限 64 位。

Kontakt 或 Kontakt Player 6.7 或更高版本。

Windows 10 或 11(最新服务包)。
Intel Core i5 或同等 CPU。
4 GB 内存(推荐 6GB 以上)。
图形硬件支持 OpenGL 2.1 或更高版本以及 Direct 3D 11.1(功能级别 11_0)或更高版本。

下载并激活本产品需要互联网连接。 安装并激活后,该产品即可离线使用。

仅限 64 位。

~ 兼容的 DAW
任何支持 VST3、AAX 或 AU 的现代 DAW。 我们已经成功测试了以下内容:

Ableton 现场


OmniBass is the ultimate virtual homage to Ernie Ball’s punchy, pristine Bongo. From glassy, piano-esque highs down to punchy lows, the Bongo will cover anything you throw at it.
Prog? No problem. Jazz? Done. Pop? Yep. Rock & Metal? Easy.
Sampled by prog bass virtuosos, The Omnific.
Works with the free Native Instruments Kontakt Player.

Bass model: Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5
Sampled by: The Omnific
Playing style: Finger
Strings: 5
Tuning range: C0 – G4
Articulations: Finger Alternate, Index Finger, Middle Finger, Dead Note, Slap, Dead Slap, Pop, Dead Pop, Harmonic, Hammer On/Pull Off, Tapping, Slide Trigger, Thump Up, Thump Down, Dead Thump Up, Dead Thump Down, Fret Hand Mute, Dead Strum, Harm Thump Up, Harm Thump Down, Harmonic Slap, Harmonic Pop, Dead Palm Rest
Included Tones: DI, Clean, Grit, Distortion, Lead
truBass: Yes

Raw tone, directly from the bass. Treat it like any studio-grade performance – run it through your favourite gear.

Sparkling clean tone, based on The Omnific’s studio sounds.

Thumping grunt tone, based on The Omnific’s studio sounds.

Fully distorted tone, pre-mixed to sound great in rock and metal.

Thick solo tone, based on The Omnific’s studio sounds.

Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5: Exceptionally realistic virtual model of an Ernie Ball Music Man Bongo 5 bass guitar for Kontakt Player, sampled by The Omnific.

truBass Technology: Experience unparalleled realism with our industry-leading truBass engine, delivering the authentic feel and dynamic response of a real bass guitar.

28 Performance Articulations: Finger Picking, Slap, Pop, Thump, Slide, Ghost Notes, Hammer On, Pull Off, Tap and more allow for recreating even the most complex bass lines.

Intelligent Alternate Picking: Immediately realistic playback with logic-based, automatic alternate picking.

Multi-Sampling: Every fret position across the entire instrument has been multi-sampled, so you can program the performance exactly as a real bassist would play it.

Raw DI: The pure, unprocessed signal, directly from the bass guitar. Treat it like you would a regular bass performance (except that it’s actually good!).

Pre-Mixed Tones: Instantly elevate your tracks with four professionally crafted, mix-ready tones, designed for seamless integration into any project.

Integrated Mixer: Fine-tune your sound with our built-in mixer. Curated controls create the fastest way to tailor the included tones to your music.

Interactive Fretboard: Visualize your bass lines in real-time with an intuitive fretboard display, enhancing your connection with the instrument.

truSlides: Fully controllable, variable tempo slides from any note to any other note give you complete control over your performance.

truLegato: Easy, automatic hammer on/pull-off articulation logic, so you can get on with being creative.

Humanize Control: Infuse your performance with natural variation using the Humanize control, adding subtle differences for a more organic feel.

Position Control: Think of this as a virtual capo, shifting your virtual playing position up the fretboard, selecting higher frets and creating a rounder sound – just like in real life.

Force String: Gain complete control over your tone, allowing you to choose exactly which string is used for every note.

Pitch Bend: Bend the notes (and vibrato) up to 12 semitones!

‘DOOM’ Mode: A specialized mode focusing on the most impactful, clear samples with maximized velocity for aggressive musical styles, such as EDM.

Custom Keyswitch Mapping: Tailor your workflow with customizable keyswitch mapping, allowing you to assign and access different articulations and techniques on the fly.

System requirements
Kontakt or Kontakt Player 6.7 or later.

macOS 10.13 – macOS 13 (latest update).
Intel i5 or higher and Apple silicon.
4 GB RAM (6GB+ recommended).
Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher and Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher.

An Internet connection is required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.

64-bit only.
Stand-alone, VST3, AU, AAX.

Kontakt or Kontakt Player 6.7 or later.

Windows 10 or 11 (latest Service Pack).
Intel Core i5 or equivalent CPU.
4 GB RAM (6GB+ recommended).
Graphics hardware support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher and Direct 3D 11.1 (Feature Level 11_0) or higher.

An Internet connection is required to download and activate this product. Once installed and activated, the product can be used offline.

64-bit only.
Stand-alone, VST3, AAX.

Compatible DAWs
Any modern DAW supporting VST3, AAX or AU. We have successfully tested the following:

Pro Tools
Ableton Live
Studio One
FL Studio