ARTFX March 2023 Sample Pack WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 28 November 2023 | 894 MBI

花一两个下午通过卷积脉冲运行拟音声音,并制作出一大堆大气声音。 其中很多都非常有质感,但也遵循单个和弦或音符。

我是如何做到这一点的,我用钢琴为每个琴键的每个和弦创建了很多短脉冲,然后用古筝补丁做了同样的事情。 我还保留了之前的一些其他冲动,并将这些冲动与 Ableton 的混合混响结合使用,创建了这些纹理氛围。




spend an afternoon or two running foley sounds through convolution impulses and made this large pack of atmospheric sounds. A lot of them are quite textural but are also following a single chord or note.

How I did this is I created a lot of short impulses with a piano for each chord for each key, then did the same with a koto patch. I also still had some other impulses I made earlier and using those in combination with Ableton’s Hybrid Reverb, I created these textural atmospheres.

I’ll drop the impulses next month btw, so stay tuned for those.

Samples in this pack: 62
Total size unpacked: 1.35GB