Boom Bap Labs Amen Soul Chemistry Bundle 245 Samples WAV

16 December 2023 | 1.57 GB

该捆绑包中的所有示例均不免版税。 该捆绑包包括《灵魂化学》第 1 卷至第 10 卷,总共 245 个稀有且晦涩的灵魂样本。 全部由 Amen 策划,随时可以在您选择的采样器中进行剪辑和重播。 现在就用这个独特的灵魂包来创造疯狂的爆炸吧。 所有样本均采用通用 WAV 格式,采样率为 44.1 kHz,分辨率为 16 位。


All the samples in this bundle are not royalty-free. This bundle includes Soul Chemistry Volume 1 to 10 for a total of 245 rare and obscure soul samples. All curated by Amen and ready to be chopped and replayed in your sampler of choice. Now go and create mad bangers with this unique soul bundle. All samples are in universal WAV format at 44.1 kHz sample rate and 16 bits resolution.